Dolphin Cichlid
Dolphin Cichlid Scientific Name: Cyrtocara moorii, Haplochromis moorii
Family : Cichlidae
Species Type : African Cichlids, Lake Malawi
Adult Size : 8 inches (cm)
Life Expectancy : 12 years
Habitat : East African Lake Malawi
Minimum Tank Size : 55 gallons
Temperament : Generally peaceful but may be territorial.
Diet & Nutrition : Carnivorous - prefers live foods or frozen
foods over flake or pellet foods.
Description : Cyrtocara moorii is a beautiful, mild-tempered fish that is a delight to keep. It is commonly known in the hobby as the Malawi Blue Dolphin, and was once classified as Haplochromis moorii. Now it is the only species belonging to the genus Cyrtocara. The nickname Blue Dolphin originates from the shape of its head � a nuchal hump and bill-like mouth � which resembles that of a dolphin. This fish is quite rare in Lake Malawi, although it has a very wide distribution. Notwithstanding, most exports come from Lumbaulo and Malombe. It has been in the hobby for several decades now, being first imported in 1968. In the wild, C. moorii displays a very unique feeding adaptation. Classified as a micro-predator, it follows close behind substrate-digging cichlids - like Taeniolethrinops praeorbitalis, Fossorochromis rostratus, and Mylochromis lateristriga � and feeds on the small edible organisms and particles that get stirred up behind them as they feed.
Tank Mate Compatibility: Other less aggressive malawi cichlids, synodontis catfish.
Dolphin Cichlid Breeding & Spawning: Not easy. Keep at least three females for each male. Frequent water changes are essential both for breeding and for the growth of the fry.
Determining Dolphin Cichlid Sex: Very hard to determine. The cranial lump occurs on both the male and the female.
Aquarium Region: All over
Dolphin Cichlid Diseases: None specific to species.
This Dolphin Cichlid profil...........


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